Friday, November 23, 2007

13 Thursday Late!!!

13 Things I Am Grateful For.

1. My amazing husband...

2. My incredible Dad and Mom...

3. My lovely animals...

4. My awesome family-in-law...

5. Jesus saving me...

6. Great food...

7. Being able to graduate from college early...

8. Having great friends...

9. Chick-Fila...

10. Being born in America...

11. My Coach purse...

12. The baby in my tummy...

13. All the other things that I did not think of....

Monday, November 19, 2007


On the occasion Andy tries to convince me that he needs another motorcycle. Well let me tell you that that is not gonna happen. Yesterday when we turned the corner and were driving down the road we scared this poor motorcycle man and he ran off into the ditch. Well he was able to get out of the ditch, but then he did some MAJOR swerving action and laid the poor bike down. We got to call 911 and he had a broken leg and his face was bleeding and it was very scary. There will be no more motorcycles as long as I'm alive. After that then I guess Andy will just be one step closer to joining me in heaven if he decides to get one.

Oh yes and if anyone would like to pray for the man that wrecked his bike. I felt really bad for him. I'm pretty sure he was just a single older guy. I just hope he is feeling alright and that everything goes well for him.

Well I hope y'all have a good day.

RIP David (That was our first and ONLY motorcycles name.)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Poor Poor Bellybutton

Well recently I was inspecting my bellybutton to find that it is not in its normal position. I am only 13 weeks pregnant and it is starting to pop out. How weird is that. I am going to be one of those people were the bellybutton sticks out ALL the way. It is quite humorous though. It sticks even farther out when I am really full. Yesterday we had dinner at Cheddar's and it was sticking really far out after that. My co-worker and I think it is very funny. She is 36 weeks pregnant and her belly button does not stick out in the slightest.

Did anyone elses bellybutton stick out?

Friday, November 16, 2007

I want my blog to look cool!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today I had an unfortunate experience that made me look a bit foolish. Recently when I stand up for an extended period of time in the same spot it makes me very dizzy. Dizzy enough where I have to sit down or I fear I will pass out. Well today I had a presentation and it was an exciting group presentation of over thirty minutes. Well it did not occur to me that I would not be able to stand up there, because this is definitely a recent problem.

Well I got up there and immediatley I thought I was going to pass out. Lucky for me Andy is in my group so he understood that I needed to sit down. Also my teacher knows that I am pregnent so she understood. However, I'm sure the forty people in my class did not understand. I'm sure they thought i was some kind of panzy that could not make a silly presentation. Woo is me. I looked like a retard. Atleast I did not pass out.

13 Thursday...

What shall the topic be...

13 reasons I love my dog....

1. He's so cute, I can never get enough.

2. He lets me dress him even if he does not appreciate it.

3. He lets me give him hugs and kisses when ever I want.

4. He snuggles under the covers every night and adds body heat.

5. He frolics when we go outside on walks.

6. Andy and I have a voice for him that cracks me up everyday.

7. He always appreciates me and does not get mad at me.

8. He loves his sister the cat.

9. He loves to go on rides and he'll even wear a seat belt for me.

10. I like to share a little of whatever I am eating with him.

11. He turns pink on his nose and belly whenever he gets really excited.

12. He always listens when no one else will...(and he has nothing to say) it's great!

13. He will always be our first boy!!!

Erin tagged me....

Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, include links to their blogs. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.

I will not be tagging anyone else. So please if you feel the need to participate. Do so.

1. I love my dog more than I probably should. He means a ton to me and Andy.

2. I talk to my mom and dad every single day on the phone even though we have not lived together for almost three years now.

3. I send my co-workers email's even though they are less than ten feet away.

4. My favorite pizza is from Sam's Club... I will be enjoying some this evening.

5. I like to take a nap every day if possible... an hour is always good.

6. I am in college and I drive a huge station wagen... I think it's stinkin awesome... her name is large Marj.... that's probably weird.. I name all my vehicles... the license plate even says it.

7. I check my phone every 5 secs to see if I have received a call from hopefully my future employer!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thump, Thump, Thump.....

So today Andy and I went and visted the doctor for the baby's third checkup thing. We got to hear the heart beat!!! It was very exciting. She thought that everything looked very well. The unfortunate news is I have to switch doctors when we move. I wish she could just come to, but she does not even deliver babies, she just takes care of you untill then. I'm glad that everything is going well. We are at 13 weeks.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

13 Things That Make Me Nauseous

1. Onions
2. Chile
3. Avacado
4. Work
5. Hercules poo
6. Brushing my teeth
7. Thinking about homework
The Rest Will have to be things I really like still...
8. Vinegar!!!!
9. Broccli and Cheese Soup
10. A bread bowl for for the soup
11. A milkshake or turtle split
12. Poptarts
13. Sleeping...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I would just like to thank the Lord for Eggnog and all of the delight it brings to my life.

I drank a whole carton yesterday... all 68 grams of fat. I have still not gained any weight so I figured I would be okay.

Peneaut seemed to enjoy it.... well atleast I know I did... I'm glad it's that time of year once again....

Thank you Lord for all the wonderful things December brings.

Monday, November 5, 2007

A House

One of the things Andy and I look foward to most is buying a house. We have endured the joys of apartment living for the last year and we are ready for something different. Andy would really like to ahve a place to put his surround sound and be able to turn it up to a resonable level with no complaints. Our dog would like to be able to run around the house as fast as he can and the people underneath us not complain. We would also like to be able to open our back door so that Hercules can just go to the bathroom so we don't ave to walk him.

Well we looked at quit a few houses this weekend and we only found one winner. Most likely I will not be able to have it, beause the basement has issues and i would hate for my house to just fall into the Earth, but can't someone just fix it. It was amazing.... the house of my dreams. The street was a bit questionable, but it will be alright we will have an alarm and we have a really mean dog. LoL. Also there was plenty of nice people around so I'm not too worrried. Well just incase my dream comes true allow me to show you some pics.....

Everyone just ignore the face that the garage is slighly slanted and that it needs a new roof and you can't see its basement issues, but they do exist....

Lord please let the homeowners take lots of money off so that we can buy it and restore it to its full beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!