Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Decorations

Andy has been working on this stocking for like three months. Let me say it is AWESOME!!! I hope that it lasts Eli his whole life. My dad still has the one his mom made him and I think that is so cool! Also a picture of duder sleeping in the chair. Sorry that I don't have more pics.
Eli is not in the best of mood today.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tagged - Eight Things About Me

Erin said for people to do this and I have been entertained by my blog lately so I figured I would give it a try.

8 TV Shows I Watch:
1) House
2) Sometimes Grey's Anatomy
3) Prison Break
4) I LOVE Army Wives
5) House Hunters
6) The Office because I have no choice
8) Anything on HGTV

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1) Jalapenos
2) Jose Pepper's
3) Andy's Frozen Custard
4) Chic Fila
5) Dr. Pepper Fountains
6) Taco Bell
7) Wing Stop; however my pregnant self HATES it
8) Sushi Restaurants

8 Things that Happened to Me Today:
1) I got up before the butt crack of dawn.
2) I was almost late to work.
3) I have been asked to write a pass many times.
4) I have searched on the Internet, alot.
5) I have watched part of Elf.
6) I check my email like 100 times.
7) I went to the special ed party!
8) I ate food.

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1) Christmas Vacation!!!! Starts today...
2) Spending tons of time with duder!
3) Go to visit Springfield.
4) Going on a date with my husband tonight.
5) Christmas!
6) More kids!
7) Summer break!
8) Seeing Eli and Andy!

8 Things I Wish For:
1) For Eli to sleep through the night.
2) A permanent teaching position.
3) To graduate with my masters.
4) For my son to thrive in life.
5) No extra pounds to be added to my body during the Holiday season.
6) A bigger back yard for the doggies and a swing set.
7) My friend to be a zoo keeper so I may get private tours!!!!!
8) A trillion dollars?!?!?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

School is coming right along I must say....

So this semester I started a masters degree program to become a teacher. I wanted to invest in young people's lives and really make a difference. Well my first semester of college went great! I got an A in both of my classes. That is really a big deal to me, because I was really worried about doing a masters degree program because, as you can see from reading this blog, I am not the best writer in the world and a masters program is made up of a lot of writing. To continue with my teacher education I also passed my Praxis!!! I'm so excited.... God has really shown me this is the career for me to have...

I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess tremendous power to make a student's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a student humanized or de-humanized. Hiam Ginott

Monday, December 15, 2008


It is very interesting that you can sit in a room full of people and still be very lonely. Yesterday our pastor preached on loneliness and how Paul was lonely when he was in prison before he died. The pastor went onto talk about how loneliness is something that everyone deals with. I can definitely relate. In the last year I have had two jobs and we have moved. It is hard to make friends when you move and it is hard to make friends at a new jobs. At my new job people have been a whole lot more inviting but it still seems difficult. Today I just feel like an outsider and no one will tell me what is really going on. I guess you could say it is a lonely feeling...

Hopefully I will get a chance to put up some Christmas pictures later...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Days

Snow is a beautiful thing when you don't have to go to work because of it. When I left high school I never dreamed I would have the pleasure of snow days again. Little did I know!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our weekend was...

Disappointing. We had a big weekend of pie making, visiting Santa, and going to see the lights planned; however, we did not get to do any of those things. Eli and I were sick the whole weekend.

The most exciting thing we did was get my mom her bunnies for Christmas. They are gorgeous. They are jersey woolies and their names are Daisy and Iris. I will get a picture of them for everyone. Did you know that you can actually potty box train a rabbit. Pretty crazy. Huh?

We are both feeling much better now. Thank you.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Career?

Sorry about the lack of posting... life seems to get in the way.

Today I started a new career. I really hope that it is a career. I would like to find something that I really like and get meaning out of. I think I might have found that thing! Being a teacher! Today I joined my abandoned class of engineers and wood workers. Yes I said wood... like shop teacher!!! Ah I was not expecting that. I was prepared for the engineering side of things, but not the wood working. It will be an awesome challenge and joy. I want to be a blessing to the students. I know that I will not make a difference in all of their lives, but if I can make a difference in one than I can make a difference in generations. What a concept!!! It is such a challenge and gift...

We also got to enjoy Springfield this weekend. My in laws are always a joy to go see. It is a home away from home except I don't have to do anything! Belinda pours out blessing after blessing after blessing... she has no idea what a relief it is when she comes and when we get to go visit. It is one of the few times I have to just breath in life right now.

We are decorating for Christmas right now... perhaps I will put up some pictures since I will not have to joy of having everyone over. Andy has done an amazing job of working on Christmas and getting the house back up to par after its kitchen renovations. Perhaps I will put pics of the kitchen to....

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving....

and to end my post some things I am grateful for!

1. My amazing husband... I could never be thankful enough

2. My child that blesses me day after day and never ceases to amaze me.

4. My family and in laws... I love how our relationship continues to grow with all of them

5. The wonderful friends that we have made since we moved up here.... (Ben, Deanna, and Josiah)

6. The cousin that Matt and Lindsay are having... I hope they can be best friends.

7. The new daycare Eli has joined... Praise the Lord it does not smell bad.

8. The opportunities God continues to provide.

9. The church that we have found and hope to grow in.

10. My sweet dogs... Herc will always be my first boy.