Every since we moved into our house I have been dreaming of a porch swing. I was privileged to get one for my birthday from my in laws!!! I would like to share with you my beautiful swing that my husband and I painted. It has been nice out lately so we have been able to enjoy it a little, but I look forward to long summer days swinging on the porch.
Dude also kicks the ball now. It does not go far or in any aimed direction, but he is way impressive!
Dude also is learning about the outside... he eats sticks too.
Hector our statue outside our house also wanted to include his picture. We got him with the house and we are quite proud of him!
Have I mentioned that my mom's fish had babies the first week that we got it!!! I love them all... this is their first portrait!
Also dude has reliqueshed his binky! It appals him. It is very strang. I guess he really is growing up!
2 days ago
So what does Eli think of Hector? Have they had any quality bonding time yet?
I wish I could see your cute house in person. Your porch swing is so great!
I just realized you had a new post. Good job on the swing and thanks for the new Eli pics!
He is growing so much! It is so exciting to watch them learn new things, but it is also hard sometimes, especially when they get hurt. My Eli has a scar under his bottom lip already and he is only 2! He crashed his car (with a little help from an 8 year old) and bit through his lip. It was terrible! He was bawling and I was having a hard time not crying with him! He talks all the time now and is definitely not afraid to share his opinions! He says no quite regularly. He is a very good boy though. Pretty well behaved, but like any child he has his moments. We need to get them together sometime. Caleb should be here about anytime now. Not sure how Elijah is going to respond to him. Hopefully he won't get too jealous...
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