As we have began our parent adventure we have also been looking for new jobs. I stongly desire to stay home with Eli. Andy and I are currently looking for jobs so that I can stay home part time.
Today I had a job interview for a job that would work out pefectly. We should know something on Tuesday if I am going to have a second interview. So please pray for us that I might be able to get this job. It would make it so Eli would not have to go to daycare. What a blessing!!!
Also Andy has a phone interview on Monday so please pray that that goes well!!!
Eli is doing wonderful!!! He is only waking up once at night. Priase the Lord and he is doing much better with his feedings and as all good babies he does well making sure we change that diaper! He looks forward to meeting many of his friends next week in Springfield!
2 days ago
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