Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Please Don't Laugh, but...

My sister-in-law has challenged me to write something that I am afraid of or something silly about myself so here ya go.

I am absolutely terrified to ride on a plane. This fear haunts me... I would say weekly. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking that the plane I am on is crashing. I bit silly perhaps, maybe I should learn how to fly one so that I won't be so scared....

Thursday, June 7, 2007


I would just like to thank all of the Asian Americans who brought sushi to the United States.
Every time that I have the privilege to enjoy this delicacy I am simply blessed. My favorite is the California roll. Andrew however enjoys the eel. Does anyone have any other suggestion on what type I could have next time I go?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

To yell or shake the can....

As y'all know I have a misbehaved Boston Terrier. He has issues such as; pulling the cat off of her cat house, having snacks out of the litter box, climbing on to the end table, and there are just to many things to name them all.

In the past I have dealt with these issues by raising my voice and perhaps yelling at him. These never do the trick. Seeing that we have had him for a year now and he is still up to his same ole tricks.

Last weekend my friend brought to my attention the pop can with pennies. It works wonders!!!! If I just shake the can at him he runs like a scared kitty. I love it.... my life is becoming simpler...

So I would like to pose the question. How do y'all get your animal to behave?