Friday, May 18, 2007

Grey's Anatomy....

Grey's Anatomy and I have become best friends over the last couple of seasons. I am not ashamed to admit that I have never missed a single episode and that I would probably cry if I did. Grey's Anatomy is my one time of the week that I just get totally lost in another world. I don't have to worry about anything going on around me. I just worry about things like; if George is going to cheat on Callie with Izzy, if Adele is ever going to get back with the poor chief who died his hair black, and really important things like is Bourke going to end up leaving the show, because he called George a fag in real life. Was that really necessary?
I am a supervisor at a bank so I sincerely look up to Dr. Bailey in the way that I want to be a managerial figure. I want my employees to have tremendous respect for me while still knowing that I love them and will be there for them....

However, my bff of television has come to an end this season. I am feeling depressed, but also relieved. If the maker of the show killed one more person I thought that I would have a mental break down. It's really sad when I go to bed on Thursday nights and feel as if I need to pray for the people of Grey's Anatomy. Well Meredith, Izzy, Alex, George, Christina, and the rest of y'all. I will see you next season. Tootles for now....

Monday, May 14, 2007

My Puppy and Kitty

Hercules has a bad habit of chewing on his sister, Pixie. This is him being caught in the act. Bad Dog!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I just want to say congratulations to all the great mom's in the world. My mom blesses my life everyday with her never ending love. Throughout my life my mom has taught me what it means to be patient and kind mother. She's taught me an appreciation and love for animals that I enjoy everyday of my life. My mom is a great wife, a hard worker, and has been a wonderful caretaker. Thanks mom for putting up with all my quarks and weirdness. I would not be the person I am without you!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pork n Beans Cake

It is absolutely delightful. I really must say that I do enjoy it. My manager brought it in for food day.
I never cook, but I have desided to go out on a limb and bake a this bean cake. I even bought a new pan to cook it in and everything!!! I am taking it to my mother in laws house for lunch on Sunday. I wish to bestow the goodness upon another fortunate soul. Perhaps I will put up a picture of it.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

An Eventful Saturday...

There are a couple of things that happened today.

1)To be Retarded....
Just so everyone knows I am the teller manager at a bank located in what some might call the ghetto. Now the ghetto does not technically exist in the town I live in so perhaps it is just the poorer area.
At about 6 pm yesterday evening a man pulled up to my commercial window and he wished to cash his check. He did not have an account with us so I informed him that we would be happy to cash he check he would just have to wait until in the morning when the lobby opened. Well this morning at about 8:15 this man comes back to the drive-up informing us once again that he would like to cash his check. Except this time the poor soul had his wife speaking for him. I once again informed him we would be open at nine and we could do it then. His wife, approximately 45 years of age, look at me and said, " You are retarded, that is so dumb that you will not cash the check right now, you are a band." First of all, when people go to insult me it makes me more reluctant to help them. But it did not stop at that, she just kept going on and on and well you get the point. So finally I turned off the speaker and needless to say she did not come back into the bank to cash the check.

2)The poor poor used car sales man...
Yesterday at the mall there was a big car sale. My husband and I decided that we would go check it out. Unfortunately our budget does not allow for a car purchase, but it never hurts to look. Well, we found a Jeep Commander and we wanted to look inside it. So all I asked was for the guy to unlock it. Well he ended up letting us drive it around and then trying to find a good price for us. We had no intention of buying, but it was a good bargaining experience. But I just feel bad for the poor guy who thought he was getting a sale.

3)A Step Show...
An African American sorority and fraternity step show. It was very interesting. There was no music they just did sequenced claps and stopped there feet and said how they were the best fraternity. Personally it was my absolute favorite when they would call out one of the groups names and they would shriek out a sound that was affiliated with them. It was much enjoyment.

Then people came over and Hercules and Cash got it a little brawl... Hercules was quickly pulled away for fear that he might eat the little Cash. And then we watched Happy Feet and went to bed.

The Beginning of My Blog...

I have been inspired to blog and just write about the silly things that go on in my day to day life. Perhaps someone else can laugh at the wonderful experiences I go through as a; full time college student, a full time employee, and a full time wife and mother to my animals. How do you I have time to blog? That's a good question. In between everything else I suppose....